Become a Vital Part of Any Organization’s Success

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By 2027, employers will need 87.7 million individuals working in project management, according to the 项目管理 Institute’s Job Growth and Talent Gap 2017–2027 assessment. Seton Hill’s online 工商管理硕士 in 项目管理 will prepare you to play a crucial role in the overall success of any enterprise.

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Why an 工商管理硕士 in 项目管理 from 西顿希尔大学?High Career Placement Logo

Learn to Manage Projects Across an Entire Organization

When you graduate from Seton Hill’s 工商管理硕士 in 项目管理, you’ll have more than just project management skills. You’ll understand how to work strategically across multiple business functions, 包括市场营销, 会计, 金融, human resources and information technology. 

Project Manager Professional Credential

Seton Hill’s 项目管理 工商管理硕士 courses include topics covered in the 项目管理 Professional (PMP) exam administered by the 项目管理 Institute. Project managers who earn the PMP credential generally enjoy enhanced salaries and a wider range of career opportunities.

在线课程图表专家教师 & 在线课程

教师 in this program are talented project managers with practical business experience. Online courses in project management include:

  • 项目管理
  • Advanced 项目管理 Tools & 技术
  • 识别 & 管理项目风险
  • 利益相关者 & 团队分析

联系 for specific course information.

A Successful 项目管理 Career

The need for professional project managers is expanding in all industries, including:就业中心图表

  • 医疗保健

  • 制造业 & 建设

  • 信息服务 & 出版

  • 金融 & 保险

  • 管理 & 专业服务

  • 公用事业公司

  • 石油 & 气体

In addition to the career preparation you’ll receive as part of Seton Hill’s 工商管理硕士 Program, you’ll benefit from the support of our award-winning Career and Professional Development Center. The Center’s services are a lifetime benefit for anyone who graduates from Seton Hill, so you can get help any time you need it in your career. 

Earn Your 工商管理硕士 in Only One Year

At Seton Hill, you have the option to accelerate your degree and earn your 工商管理硕士 in only one year. 

So Many More Great Reasons

Find out more 关于 the 工商管理硕士 Program at 西顿希尔大学.

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Admission Requirements

学费 Discount Program Graphic

In addition to the admission requirements below, the 工商管理硕士 in 项目管理 requires the completion of Seton Hill course BU502 - 工商管理硕士 Orientation & Fundamentals for non-business majors, or equivalent undergraduate coursework, as a prerequisite for admission.

  • A completed graduate study application form (应用 online now for free!).
  • A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution and official undergraduate transcripts from all institutions attended.
  • 官方成绩单(s) from any institution(s) in which postbaccalaureate or graduate course work was completed.
  • One academic or professional letter of recommendation.
  • 当前简历.
  • A personal statement explaining how the Seton Hill graduate program can help you accomplish your professional goals.

Seton Hill Also Offers an Advanced Certificate in 项目管理

准备申请? 应用 online now for free!

To learn more 关于 this program, register for a 虚拟 会议信息:  9/17


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